Technique of the Month

3 Ways To Deepen The Connections You Have With The People In Your Life.

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Happy Valentine’s Day! February is a month people tend to think of love, intimacy and creating meaningful connections with others. Relationships are the most valuable things in our lives whether it is the relationship you have with yourself, your partner, family or friends. I wanted to share with you a few ways to deepen the connections you have with the people in your life.

Be Present: In the age of the smartphone it has become commonplace to see people spending time together while simultaneously on their phones. If you want to create deeper and more meaningful relationships in your life, start by putting your phone away when you are spending time with the people you care about! A study in 2015 actually showed that humans have shorter attention spans than goldfish. We are so use to being bombarded with huge amounts of information and constantly having to multitask, the ability to focus on one thing at a time for more than 8 seconds has become a foreign concept to many. An important way to become close to someone is to actually give them your undivided attention. Be present in the moment and enjoy the time you are spending with them. It is easy to get distracted, but if you can be consciously present with your loved ones it will strengthen your relationship with them.

Engage in Meaningful Conversations: We live in a culture that is always busy and on the go, which tends to lead to people having a lot of surface and superficial conversations with the people in their lives. However one of the best ways to deepen a connection with another person is to actually take the time to dig a little deeper and have a truly honest, engaged, authentic and reciprocated conversation with the people you care about. In order to do that, you have to listen to whomever you are talking to. A lot of the time we don’t really listen to what the other person is saying because we are too preoccupied thinking about how we are going to respond when it is our turn to talk. Listen, ask questions and be open.

Open to Receive Love: A relationship between two people has a flow, a natural give and take. As much as you need to be willing to give love, it is just as important to be open to receiving it from another person. If you aren’t open to receiving, the flow of that energy between the two of you isn’t reaching its full potential or depth. Sometimes this happens when you over analyze or do not believe you are worthy of that affection. In order to develop a truly intimate and meaningful connection with another soul, you have to be willing to open up and receive their love. There has to be a balance of giving and receiving, sharing and listening. When we are able to be open to that flow, we are opening ourselves to a truly special connection with another person.

TED Talk Video

How to Love and Be Loved The most important relationship you will ever have in your life is your relationship with yourself. Before you can truly love anyone else, you have to first love who you are. I wanted to share with you this great TED Talk by Billy Ward on How to Love and Be Loved.

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3 Ways To Deepen The Connections You Have With The People In Your Life.

7 Steps To Positive Self-Esteem

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Technique of the Month

7 Steps to Self-Esteem 

As the year ends it’s important for you to take inventory of the year. Self-esteem is your ability at evaluating if your manifestation, reality, and co-creation are in line with your desired expectations. Think about it; Facebook has metrics, businesses have a balance sheet, employees have performance appraisals. What do you do to evaluate the dreams and goals you set out at the beginning of the year? Self-esteem. Using what I call the 7th sense, the Sense of Balance, you estimate and evaluate yourself with your minds own instruments.

So before you start creating a whole new list of New Year’s resolution, which you may or may not follow, let’s take a moment to reflect on how you manifested your desired expectations this year.

Exercise type: Solo

Time suggested: 15-30 minutes

Step 1: Remember the resolution, dreams, or goals you set out for yourself this year.

Step 2: List them in various categories: family, spirituality, business, health, finance, relationship, etc.…

(Example I want to be a better father, mother, lover, husband, wife etc..)

Step 3: Then evaluate how you did, or did not accomplish this. Did you exceed your expectations or did you have to lower them?

Step 4: Congratulate yourself for your successes.

Step 5: Become aware of what may have interfered with your desired expectations. Ask yourself if you manifested what you want. Look at what may have interfered with it. Maybe you lost focus, determination, or your beliefs simply changed.

Step 6: Recognize the different categories that may need improvement and take the time to reflect and understand what could have been done differently to Generate New Possibilities to Consciously Create Success™.

Step 7: Chart a new course of action and get support to accomplish your dreams and goals. When you succeed it’s always through co-creation, when you fail its always-just creation.

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7 Steps To Positive Self-Esteem

Technique Of The Month – April 2015 – A Balancing Act

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Your Sense of Balance is a tremendously powerful instrument. It’s the instrument you use to calibrate your mind to achieve greatness or self-destructive sabotage. It’s the instrument that can bring you to personal mastery, or total self-destruction. Your Sense of Balance rules your self-esteem, your self-worth, your self-confidence, your self-love and self-respect.

This month’s technique of the month is designed to help you tap into your Sense of Balance and consciously use it to achieve positive results.

In order to get a better understanding of how powerful this instrument truly is, I have drawn two pyramids representing the power you have at creating a reality of bliss or one that is a total miss, to say the least.

Consciously using your Sense of Balance

Step 1: Awareness

I can hear some of you saying “A 7th sense? I thought we only had an extra 6th sense?”

Yes, you have more than six senses – twelve to be exact. These twelve senses comprise the physical and metaphysical abilities you possess. Once you are consciously aware of your senses beyond the five physical senses, you tap into your full intuitive abilities.

To start, focus on your 7th sense, the Sense of Balance, which follows your 6th Sense of Imagination (sometimes referred to as ‘intuition’).

Let’s start with a simple exercise. Since most adults learn through association, you’ll want to use the physical senses you are most familiar with to initiate a connection with your Sense of Balance. Focus on one of your physical senses (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) as you follow the technique below.

Ask yourself these questions using different senses:

Sight: How far is the nearest lamp to you?

Hearing: Listen to something near you and find out how close you think the sound is or where it’s coming from?

Taste: If you’re eating something is it too salty, too sugary or just right?

All these are examples of using your senses to balance to calibrate, or more importantly, compare aspects of your reality. Hence, your Sense of Balance is active even though you may not be aware of it.

Next, you’ll want to go beyond the physical and use the part of your mind that balances within your inner world, such as your confidence and self-esteem.

Step 2: Choosing what to balance

Now that you’ve completed step 1, you see how your mind balances thing consciously and you can begin to direct your awareness to what you want to ‘re-balance.’ Trust me, it’s amazing.

You’ll need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Write down the beliefs that you have about yourself in these three categories: self-worth, self-esteem, and self-love.

Here are some examples:

Self-Worth: I don’t deserve/ The world would be a better place if I were in charge

Self-Esteem: Others are smarter than me/ I am smarter than everyone

Self-Confidence: I won’t be able to/ I can do whatever I want

Onto step 3!

Step 3: Re-balance and harmonize

The trick to effective balance is always harmony. Write out a new association with your inner world to re-calibrate your inner world to work for you, not against you!

Self-worth: I deserve as much success as anyone

Self-esteem: I will learn how to succeed at…

Self-Confidence: I am capable of adapting to….

As you continue to use your Sense of Balance consciously, you raise your level of self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem AND intuitive ability! What you are doing is similar to re-writing a script… except the script is for your life. Like the director in a movie, you direct a whole new path to create and manifest in your life.

Practice this technique for five consecutive days. The more you exercise the conscious use of your Sense of Balance, the stronger your abilities become.

As you begin to uncover and tap into your full intuitive abilities with your lost senses, you’ll discover how to manifest your true desires.

© Alain Jean-Baptiste in all media

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Technique Of The Month – April 2015 – A Balancing Act

Technique of the Month – February 2015 – 7 Shades Of Intimacy –

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The technique this month is on “Recognizing And Working With 7 Shades Of Intimacy”. As we get closer to Valentine’s day and Family Day its important to remember to develop a more intimate relationship with not only those we love but with reality itself. A month of magic, a month for love, intimacy is what creates the chemistry between you and the reality you co-create.

Take advantage of this month’s energy by understanding how you can consciously develop a more profound intimate relationship with yourself, others and reality itself.

With love and peace,


The Shades

#1. Love: The number one component on my list is of course love. It’s the big L word, the “numero uno”. It’s like the chemical reaction of the sun constantly regenerating itself with two simple elements, giving and receiving of each other simultaneously. It is the fusion reaction of not only giving or receiving, but the simultaneous reaction of it.

#2. Vulnerability: By definition it means, “to be capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt”[1]. Wounding is caused by pain and impact. The reason this is important, is that it allows you to know that you have impact on someone and that others have impact on you. This is the first step in personal mastery and allows you to be able to start building self-awareness.

#3.Trust: This is about your ability to cope with these components on your self and others. To rely on the fact that you can allow yourself to be close to someone you love. To trust that you can love and be loved, care and be cared for. To be trusting is to be confident in someone else. If you are confident enough, you can allow yourself to be vulnerable with yourself and others. To trust that you can allow yourself to be vulnerable in being warm toward someone you love, or are tender with yourself or someone else. To have the belief, the ability, and the confidence that you can have an intimacy with your reality, with someone you love and God/Goddess/All that is.

#4. Warmth: I have spoken about warmth on many occasions because it is a sense that you have (the 10th sense). Warmth is crucial in children and adult development. If you’re not sure, try being cold to the one you love and see how long it will last. Most people mix warmth with sex, which does have warmth in it, but is not the only source of it. Build your sense of warmth by increasing your brains elasticity by developing more behaviors like kindness, hospitality, affection, enthusiasm, and affection.

#5. Caring: This can be seen, heard, or felt by the act of being close, tender, trusting, loving, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to work with all the other components.

#6. Closeness: This is allowing yourself to be touched. Not just physically but emotionally, and spiritually. To be touched by what you are conceiving/perceiving. To allow yourself to “let someone in” and to be close enough to let yourself be vulnerable and tender with yourself and/or someone else. To allow yourself to trust enough so that you have someone get close to you, and for you to get close to someone you love and care for.

#7. Tenderness: Tenderness comes from tender, a noun that means “a person who tends; a person who attends to or takes charge of someone or something”[2].

Now you can be tender with yourself by being compassionate instead of hard. As men we are taught (old school) that you have to be tough and not show any weakness. To build a relationship you have to be tender. In order to build confidence, you need to have compassion towards yourself and thus need warmth, the main ingredient of compassion.

If you want more techniques and tools on discovering how to enhance your brains ability to create, recognize and work with intimacy in the various types of relationship in your life or to have more intimacy in your creation of reality you may want to look at purchasing my book or DVD on the 7 Lost Senses™ or my 6 hour HD training on the same subject

[1] Definition of trust:
[2] Definition of tender:
Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.
– Rollo May –

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Technique of the Month – February 2015 – 7 Shades Of Intimacy –

Newsletter – November 2014

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In meam commemorationem –
In memory of
November 2014 Newsletter

Greetings friends,

As I wrote about gratitude last month, I simply wanted to express my respect and admiration for those who have fought and are still fighting for our right, freedom and protection in different counties, and on our soil. With the recent events truly hitting home last week in Gatineau, Quebec, and in our nation’s capital.

I see how important it is for us to recognize that their are those out there who do have a dream, and that dream can become a nightmare for us if we do not fight for our dreams of equality, respect for life, respect for humanity, and above all our willingness to gain a better understanding and acceptance of each other as a human race.

A race, a civilization where different cultures, ideals, beliefs, genders are different but can all work in harmony to help us reach for the stars and create a better world for ourselves, our children, and generations to come.

Peace and love,


The components leading to acceptance in time of loss

Impact – Shock: This is the stage where you receive the news, you receive the information which ultimately leads to the other steps you are going to be feeling over time. It is the shock or the sudden surprise that shows you another reality which you where not aware of a couple of seconds ago. It is the stage where reality all of a sudden changes and is no longer real. It is the stage at which your confidence about a belief you held is all of a sudden shaken to its foundation. This can be true with any type of sudden shift in perception and belief.

Denial: At this stage the reality has not set in yet. The impact is so swift and dramatic that you don’t and can’t believe the perception you are presented with or are experiencing. You’ve just heard the news and your sense of balance (your 7th sense) completely goes askew. Your sense tries to balance what it knows from the past and attempts to make sense of it with the information you’ve just received. The speed at which the event you’ve just experienced, the news you just got or the thing your mind is being asked to compute is very overwhelming to you, and so it decides that it’s not true or “it simply can’t be”, hence the denial. It’s not that you don’t want to accept it as some people often think, “you simply you can’t accept the fact that …”, it’s that the facts in your mind cannot be accepted because the truth of it would break the integrity of your system and cause you to go into meltdown or worse. At this point, it is an attempt for your mind to keep itself stable until it is able to process new information that will allow it to cope with the sudden shift in expectation.

Anger: As you start realizing the possibility of the loss, or the illusion you have is gone, you start to immediately feel a sense of loss of value. You may get angry because you have just realized you’re going to be alone now, or that they or something left you. You begin to feel an intense loss within you now and the anger starts to set in. You may blame others, believe it’s unfair, or blame yourself for something you may have done or omitted to do.

Solutions at this stage: Respect yourself by being honest about your feelings and find a way to express it constructively. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Allow yourself to regain that sense of value you believe you lost by the loss. By regaining that perception of loss of value it will bring you that much closer to acceptance.

Bargaining: At this stage you start negotiating, bargaining, for the person to come back or want to offer some type of exchange if they stay. You start making promises that if someone or something comes back you will be better, you will do better. It seems to be a last attempt at wanting to hang on to something or someone.

Bargaining usually takes the form of:
• If only I had done, sough x sooner
• What if X
• If only X

Solution at this stage: Allow yourself to deal with the emotions when they come up. Like anger, allow yourself to express yourself in a constructive way so as to honour your feelings and then process them in a natural way.

Depression: after bargaining this stage comes because you start feeling powerless and the anger having set in you start feeling that you have no right to be angry. From an intuitive stand point and from experience I see that this is also the stage where you start feeling as if the person has left your resonance, your field of vibration. If they were a part of you, that part now seems gone and so you are left to feel empty and alone.

Solution at this stage: Allow yourself to step out of this mood by meeting new people, learning new things and rediscovering yourself. This process does take some time and has to follow its natural course. Allow yourself to deal with the anger so that you can go towards acceptance.

Acceptance: This is the level that allows you to feel that you can move on. It is when you have finally stepped out of that energy of loss and have begun to be able to cope with the reality that has changed. It feels as if the pass was a dream and you woke up to something new. It is the stage at which when you look back you can now perceive it differently and are able to be able to focus once again. Acceptance usually comes with understanding and understanding is usually what enables you to deal with the pain of loss.

Movie Pick of the Month: The Ground Truth

In honor of Remembrance Day and all those who have fought in various forms of war I have chosen a very powerful documentary called: “The Ground truth: The Human Cost of War”.

I am sure that many people with PSTD will relate, and for those of you that have lost someone I am sure you will be able to pick up on similar symptoms and patterns you may have had after the loss of someone or something you loved.

Simply Worth It™ – Live Q&A with Alain!

On November 18th at 9pm (EST), join for our monthly member-only live call to find out what the future has in store for you! You’ll find out how to be in harmony with cosmic energy right now to protect yourself and make the most of new opportunity. Get solutions and guidance as you listen to others in our community share experiences and ask your personal questions and get advice you need.Click here to reserve your spot now!

Ancient Healers in a Modern World

As you move into this busy and emotional cycle, be sure to seek out support and guidance from others. It is a great time to deepen personal and professional partnerships and help those you love.

As most of you know, mystic and psychic counsel is a powerful ally. For centuries, psychic guidance was only accessible for the elite. Even today, prominent business leaders, politicians and even celebrities continue to harness the power of intuitive mediums to inform their choices and cultivate success. Remember that if you seek out help from any healer, it’s important that you trust your own intuition and know how to decipher the true intentions of others. For the first time ever, I will be offering online coaching for members of our community to gain hands-on techniques to cultivate your own success and intuition. This is a truly rare once-in-a-lifetime experience for anyone who wants to learn the art of mysticism.

Members of our community have exclusive instant access to register for the workshop – but space is limited so be sure to sign up before it’s too late.

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.

– Nathaniel Branden

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Newsletter – November 2014

Newsletter – October 2014

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Fall Harvest: The Transformative Power of Gratitude October 2014 Newsletter Greetings Friends, This month is a very special time for making new achievements so be sure to tend to your health for you may find yourself suddenly very busy by month’s end! It is likely that answers you have been seeking over the last six months will ultimately become clear in the beginning of the month, and by late October, new opportunities will be yours for the taking. You have been hard at work and harvest is finally here! With Thanksgiving around the corner and Halloween at the end of the month, you will have plenty of opportunity to see friends, family and meet new people. Be sure experience the joy of giving and take time to count your blessings. This month is full of promise and your acts of kindness are sure to be returned to you tenfold. There is an abundance of transformative potential this month and the path is paved with gratitude and giving. Remember to join our Simply Worth It™ live call on October 21st and find out more about what the future has in store for you. Peace and love, Alain

Technique of the Month:

With Thanksgiving coming up and the holidays around the corner, the best way to stay in harmony with cosmic energies and make the most of potential opportunities is through the grace of gratitude and giving. You will find yourself in a position to help people in need around you, and your circle of friends will also be able to open new doors for you. Set aside any need to appear clever or portray an image and instead focus on gratitude and giving to be open to opportunities. I have recorded a technique here for you to embrace the spirit of giving and gratitude – be sure to practice this!  You can click here to hear it


Though sexy costumes and sugary treats have taken hold of the mainstream view of Halloween, it is in fact a very sacred and meaningful holiday. The Tridiuum of All Hallows marks a three-day remembrance of those who have died and faithful departed healers and believers from October 31st to November 2nd. This is a particularly strong time of year for mystics with heightened energies that connect us with to the spirit world. Although the history of the Tridiumm of All Hallows is often associated with the Christian adoption of the holiday, it also has deep roots in ancient mysticism. All Hallows Eve– October 31st: The word ‘Halloween’ means ‘holy evening’. All Hallows Eve marks the start of the celebration before remembrances to confront the immense power of death with rituals that used humour and ridicule. The modern Halloween costumes rituals date back to this ancient tradition intended to allow us to face death with courage. All Saints’ Day – November 1st: All Saints’ Day is a time to remember the departed healers and faithful believers, known and unknown. It is a time to cherish those who we have lost who have shaped our lives for the better. In particular, this is a day to grieve and celebrate dearly departed loved ones who spent their lives giving to others. All Souls’ Day – November 2nd: On All Souls’ Day, we remember all those we have lost and all that we share in the human experience. There is a comrade of human experience in death and life – our souls. On this day, we pay homage to all our departed by recognizing the bonds of our souls. At this time of year, be sure to take the time to connect with the spirit of the holiday as well. There are two lunar eclipses this month and immense heightened mystic energies. For those of you with intuitive gifts, you will find that this is a particularly strong time to connect with departed loved ones and develop your abilities.

Movie Pic of the Month – Pay it Forward (2000) An oldie but a goodie! This month, be sure to give yourself time to relax (and get plenty of rest) as there is incredible transformative power in the air. I recommend an evening of Pay It Forward. As you watch, be sure to notice how the power of giving and gratitude can unexpectedly change our lives for the better and let yourself become inspired.

Are You a Medium? Gain Access to the ONLY Results-Proven Comprehensive Medium & Intuitive Training System Today for Just $397! Bundle_blue_e.jpg For those of you who possess your own mystic gifts and long to develop your talents, this will be the most exciting message of your life. Have you ever somehow “just known” something was going to happen? Are you sensitive to unseen and unspoken energies around you? Do you find it easy to “read” those around you? We know that there is more to reality than what is portrayed by the mainstream, however much of our ancient intuitive wisdom has been lost. Now, you can discover and re-awaken your 7 Lost Senses™ with the most comprehensive Medium and Intuitive training system in the world. With a 98% success rate among participants, the 7 Lost Senses™ system is the foundation you need to achieve higher consciousness and mastery. You will find out what the seven intuitive senses are, and, you’ll get powerful techniques and methods to re-awaken and develop those intuitive abilities. My 7 Lost Senses™ training program has been designed, developed, tested and perfected over my 25 years of scholarship and practice in the field. For many of you, I know that this will give you the knowledge you need to unleash your true potential and achieve the level of consciousness you are truly capable of. For a limited time only, gain access to the entire training system DVD and workbooks now for $397+tax. Click here and get it out

Member Exclusives – October 2014

Member Exclusive: Voices Across the Veil Voices Across the Veil™ is a new, one of a kind worldwide experiment that is revolutionizing grief services and access for spirit talks. For anyone who has lost a loved one, there is nothing as powerful for coping with your grief and loss than re-connecting with dearly departed friends and family. Unfortunately, costs of spirit séance services are far too often out of reach for most and have become a luxury of the elite. Voices Across the Veil is a project dedicated to creating equal access and I’ve teamed up with them. On October 20th, I will host a Voices Across the Veil™ live video conference to give you an affordable opportunity to communicate with those you have lost. If you are struggling with grief and loss, this will be a powerful healing opportunity for you to communicate with the spirit of loved ones. Space is extremely limited to only 10 participants and these do fill up quickly! For only $50, you can click here to register now:

Illuminate Your Path (Free Webinar!) On October 14th, join me for a very special webinar on how to connect with your inner mind and gain a higher state of awareness. Re-discover the ancient methods that empower your choices as you move ahead with important plans this month. For the first time ever, I’ll reveal the single most important technique for any Medium, Psychic and intuitive person to find out how to listen, understand and speak to your inner guides. Click here to reserve your space and register now!

Simply Worth It™ – Live Q&A with Alain! On October 21st at 9pm (EST), join for our monthly member-only live call to find out what the future has in store for you! You’ll find out how to be in harmony with cosmic energy right now to protect yourself and make the most of new opportunity. Get solutions and guidance as you listen to others in our community share experiences and ask your personal questions and get advice you need. Click here to reserve your spot now!

Must-See All New Intuitive Training Series: Communicating With Your Guides™ Part 1 & 2 The first step towards developing your own intuitive abilities is to open the doors of communication in your own mind, body and spirit. All intuitive trainings begin with this crucial step because it enables you to unite your unconscious and conscious knowledge and gives you access to powerful sources of light around you. Once you discover how to communicate with your guides, you will know how to discern the true motives of those around you and how to achieve your goals. I created this all-new Communicate With Your Guides™ two-part training series in HD to show you how to listen to your guides and harness your guides’ knowledge to achieve. This course will teach you the techniques you need to communicate with your guides and also how to recognize your true guides from any sources of darkness. Once we begin to dabble in energies and spirits around us, we must also safeguard against any negative influences. This training series shows you how to tap into the power of your true guides with a re-awakening of your intuitive abilities. I created this training series because it is the perfect time for you to develop and strengthen your intuitive abilities. As you begin this journey, there is nothing more valuable than the personal ability to communicate with your guides. Communicating With Your Guides™ Part 1 shows you how to ask the right questions to get the answers you need to achieve results you want. This month only, you gain access to part 1 of this ground-breaking series for just $47! You’ll get the key information and guidance you need to protect and lead you through this amazing process. It is the essential tool for anyone who wishes to develop initiative abilities and achieve more. Click here now to get part 1 now.   Part 2 of Communicating With Your Guides™ gives you a specific and powerful meditation and rituals that are designed to strengthen communication with your guides. This will be released on November 7th, right when the energy will be optimal for communication between our worlds. All pre-orders will also receive a promotional discount of $32 off the regular price to gain access to the course for just $47!Click here to pre-order part 2 for immediate access on November 7th and get 32$ off now by putting thepromo code “Guides2”.

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

– John F. Kennedy

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Newsletter – October 2014