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Holly: Hi, I’m Holly Bridges. Have you ever had an intuitive flash or a little voice inside your head telling you to do something? But maybe you decided to ignore that voice thinking it was just your imagination. That’s exactly what we’re going to be talking about today– our imagination and other senses that can help us live a happier, healthier and richer life. With me is Alain Jean Batiste, he is the author of The Seven Lost Senses: Developing Your Intuitive and Psychic Abilities. Alain, before we talk about the book and what those seven lost senses are, I’d like to get more of a sense of who you are and some of your abilities that, sort of, helped you develop or research these lost senses and I understand, first of all, you’re a medium, correct?
Alain: Correct.
Holly: So when did you first know that you had this, this gift?
Alain: Actually, a client told me. I was doing a consult with a client and at one point it became evident that I was able to see inside her mind; as she was talking, I was able to relate to her what was happening in the operating room when she was delivering her baby and I was able to see the operating room and how many doctors and nurses were there and when she confirmed the numbers, she says, “Well how do you know that?” I said, “I don’t know, it’s just like watching a movie over your head except, you know, without the popcorn.” And then I related to her, I said, “You know, I see the child gets dark and the husband gets dark,” I said, “Can you tell me a bit what that means because everything gets dark afterwards?” And she remembered that her husband said, “You know, this–“, he took the baby in his hands and he said, “It’s the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen.” And that didn’t turn out so well, of course. You know, if you… And so, in that sense, from that point on, when she left my office she asked me if I was a medium and I said, “Well, I don’t know.”
So I decided to learn more about it, I decided to learn, you know, how do I do it? And then I went to see other psychics, other mediums, I looked at studying geniuses, I’d study neurolinguistic programming and LP. I was really fascinated by meditation and mindfulness, you know, very young as a child, I would just always want to read, read, read, read. I remember, actually, when I first left my house, my parent’s house, I had to call my mom for money because I had spent all my money which I had earned working at the hospital and, you know, my parents always did groceries every two weeks and, you know, I had moved and I had no money for food. I called my mom, I said, “Mom, you know, sorry, you know, can I borrow some money? I have no food.” She said, “You bought those damned books?” I was constantly buying, buying books.
Holly: So here you are. You know that you have this gift as a medium. You studied these different modalities, neurolinguistic programming. So tell me about the book, tell me about these seven lost senses, what they are and how if we, as human beings, can learn to go beyond the five basic senses, how are lives can be improved.
Alain: Yeah. So the five senses actually is something that I learned through doing this book and writing articles. I came upon a survey– a research, that was done in 1905 that said that people were able to access to information outside the five senses. I think it was done by the Association for Blind People, I hope I’m saying that right. And it said that, you know, there’s certain things that weren’t accounted for, with the five senses, a person being blind, that they could do that wasn’t accounted for. If you’re blind, you know, as you know, they always hear– they say that people who are blind can hear better.
Holly:Their other senses are more amplified.
Alain: More attuned.
Holly: Right.
Alain: You know, because what they do is they just work with it, right? And so I took it from there to learn more about, you know, what are we doing, as people– what do psychics do? What do genius do? What do people like Einstein do? You know, it’s funny you said, at the beginning, you talked about intuition and you said, “Is it just our imagination?” Well it is, OK. It’s called the sense of imagination, it acts as a vehicle which is one of them, which is the sixth sense, if you read, like, I was a comic buff when I was a kid and I always wanted to develop the spider sense. So maybe I developed all this out of that, sometimes I say that. The sense of imagination is what brings about the other ones.
Holly:So let’s talk about the sense. Walk me through, one at a time. I mean, we’re all familiar with the five basic senses, but walk me through the seven senses that are pretty incredible once you start to delve into them.
Alain: So the sense of imagination is used as a vehicle. When I talk to people– as we talked, I’m a medium or psychic medium, which means I’m able to see the future and the past of somebody’s life and also talk to people that are “on the other side” or “the after life” or dead people if you want to call it that way. And so the sense of imagination is like a vehicle, it allows you to go into those dimensions if you want to call them that way. So it’s like the cloud, OK. The computer is your brain and the cloud is the imagination. Then there’s the sense of balance.
The sense of balance is the seventh sense which allows you to balance the inner and outer. So for me to stay sane talking to people on the other side and realizing, you know, that I’m talking with you, which you’re alive on this side, you need something to balance it, OK? It also balances logic.
There’s the sense of life, which is life force, which I’ve noticed a lot of doctor’s will use when they say, “You have this much time to live.” When you ask them, you’ll say, “Well, how do you know that?” They say, “Well I just feel it”, or, “Statistically speaking”, also, but they’ll feel it, OK. You can feel when somebody is about to pass. People that see their auras, people’s auras like people that do Reiki, they’re able to sense the life force within you. Then there’s the sense of voice, OK.
The sense of voice, usually we can see through people that are activists or people like Martin Luther King, you know, talks of voice. Mandella’s voice, OK. You know, as you know, he was jailed for over twenty-seven years, I believe, or close to thirty years and he came out and his voice inspired the people. Ghandi is another one. JFK. And afterwards, if you want, there’s the sense of movement, OK.
The sense of movement, from what I’ve learned or used is used for finance or for a sense of, in terms of when I work with people in business, if their business is going to go up or down or the stock market, you know, is one thing you can use it for. Also subtle variations when you’re going places; you’ll feel something’s off when you get in the room, you’ll feel it. That’s the sense of movement.
There’s the sense of warmth, OK, which is very, very important. The sense of warmth is very used, very much so, in relationships of any type. You need warmth, as a child, to develop properly, OK. You know, I talk in the book and you’ll probably see it on the internet also, people talking about, you know, never having that warmth, that kindness, you know. Orphanages in Romania, you know, there’s studies on that saying how not being warm to a child will effect his development.
Holly: Absolutely.
Alain: Yeah. And networking– very, very important. And there’s the sense of substance, is another one. Substance is mostly related to content, OK, or the substance of something. I usually use it for physical objects. So if somebody will ask me to “remote view”, is a term that’s used a lot, to sense objects at a distance to define them or, you know, before I go somewhere I’ll get an image of it in my mind or if I’m looking for people or children that have been kidnapped or anything in that sense.
Anything that’s materialistic, like describing your house, let’s say what’s your kitchen like? What kind of floorings do you have and stuff like that, you can use it for that.
Holly: So if we have– if we innately have these seven lost senses, these seven extra senses, if you will, why is it so difficult for all of us to, sort of embrace them and even know that we have them?
Alain: It’s a mindset, actually. Where is it scientifically proven that there’s just five senses? Aristotle, Plato, all those, you know, geniuses at those times, they came up with that but nobody, you know, if you look at different scientists, they’ll work on the senses that you have.
But if you look at studies done by various organizations in the world or one of the fathers of remote reviewing, you know, which is the psychic version of– this is a small program that was created in the 1970’s because the United States felt threatened that the Russians were already using psychics and trying to train them as soldiers to use for targeting and such.
Holly: Right, I’ve heard about that.
Alain: And so in the 1970’s, they started a program and it was led by very brilliant scientists. One of them was a famous psychic who passed away, unfortunately, a couple of days after my book was written. I was going to call him and, you know, he passed. Eagle Swan was probably the father, if you want, I call him the father of remote viewing, he hypothesized that there’s about seventeen senses and so you have to look at different, you know, they’ll call it different things. Like information transfer within cellular activities.
Holly: You mentioned, a couple of minutes ago, people often ask you if this is scientifically proven and I think that, as a society, we do tend to want to quantify things.
Alain: Right.
Holly: And, you know, our doctors are always telling us, “Only follow medical advice”, and there’s a certain amount of resistance to anything that is perceived as non-medical and non-approved and I think we, as individuals, buy into that way too much. So, again, is it that we’re afraid to even open our minds to the fact that we might have these other senses that could, literally, make us millions of dollars? Is that what you’re saying?
Alain: Some of us use it to make a lot of money, some of us use it for other types of things but, yes, it is a– it’s a mindset. I mean–
Holly: But you’ve worked with people who have made millions of dollars…
Alain: Oh yes. Yes. Actually I have a client who probably made, like, half a million last month and what I did with him was, I was at the restaurant, I said this, “You need to focus on these things,” and what I worked with him over a period of six months– this is a client who lost fifty million dollars, actually– and so it’s just getting back on track and really… What I did with him, I told him, “You have that voice within you.
This is you.” OK, so if you look at how long human beings have been existing and the fact that we’re just finding new things now, you know…
Holly: The potential is limitless, really.
Alain: The potential is limitless because imagine what we do with five senses, OK. And now imagine, if you think of new inventions that have come through just with sight, which is, like, microscope and telescope– microscopes and telescopes changed everything. So those are just calibrating instruments, just like our senses; they help us calibrate to our existence.
But now science is mostly for physical things, right? That’s why they call it physical sciences. Now that you’re looking at quantum physics, I mean, it’s no longer ‘the sky’s the limit’, it’s ‘the imagination’s the limit’. Why? Because we see now that our mind, our perception of something alters it. OK. And so this is why it’s so important, because you have to go beyond the five senses to be able to perceive things. I mean, imagine if you could tell your clients, you know, there’s a recession coming six months before. I’ve done it. I guarantee you, my client’s very happy.
Now I’m thinking, “Wow.” Just imagine that I might be right.” And so my clients, you know, they did different sales forecasts, changed inventories, they decided to change their strategy– it’s all about the mindset. We’ve been conditioned for so long to believe that there’s five senses We never even thought about, “Well, what if there’s more?” OK. And this is where it’s very important to start asking those type of questions.
Holly: Exactly. And I think we do have to say, though, not everyone is a medium, like yourself. So you teach people to tap into that part of themselves that might not be medium-like, let’s say, following that intuition and using the seven lost senses to achieve whatever it is in their lives– whether it is to have greater financial fortune, better health, better relationships… Am I on the right track?
Alain: Whatever you want to create, because, again, your senses are what help you create and calibrate– not create, really; they’re there to help you create what you want to calibrate. So if you say, “Well I want a million dollars.” Well, how will you know when you have it? Will you see it? Will you hear it? Will you feel it? But for some people, that’s never going to happen and at one point when I was studying success, you know, I was a success coach, I really look at what helps people create that success; how did they create it? And for some people, I noticed they’ll never become millionaires. I don’t see it or I don’t sense it and they don’t want to be millionaires and that’s OK. And I had to redefine, a long time ago, what success was for myself and for others, or interpreting it from others because as we’re in a capitalistic society, it’s very much so seen as success as becoming a millionaire or billionaire or something like that.
But studies show there’s 30% of billionaires that are happy. But the idea is to be able to perceive more, to give hope more. Because if you know that in the future– why do people go see psychics, really? To see what’s coming in the future. The idea is you can’t limit yourself to just five senses anymore because information is processed so fast, decision-makers need to make decisions before, you know, they could take six months to think about. Now you have a couple of days or a couple of weeks and you’ll make one decision that’ll effect thousands of people for years to come.
Holly: Let’s talk about the book. Let’s break down what it is that you help people learn by reading the book and also the various exercises that are in the book. As each person learns the different senses, or comes to understand the senses, there are also exercises for them to do. Maybe you could just walk us through, a little bit, about what people are going to learn by reading this book.
Alain: Sure. The first thing that I emphasize and, you know, we talked about the seven lost senses, I call it higher sensory perception because you’re perceiving things at a higher level, beyond the five senses. So what happens is that when you create something, where it be, you know, your shirt– somebody created your shirt, or my shirt, or something in that sense– they’re imagining something.
Most of that time, that thing is in the future. So the first thing I teach people is to take a new mindset which, instead of thinking we create from the past, what if we actually created from the future? Just like when you look at a star, that star is gone, you know. If you look at the sky, that star that you’re seeing now took, probably, millions of years for that light to get to your eyes. OK, start with the end in mind, that’s what I say.
So this is what you want, “Am I at the right place or not?”, and then you can calibrate to, “Am I going at the right place or am I not going at the right place?” Most people that you see that are having a beautiful life are people that are in alignment either with their passion or the love of what they’re doing. That’s why when I coach entrepreneurs or business people or people that want to create a relationship, let’s say– or whatever you whatever you want to create, I look at, “Is it truly you? Or are you doing this because your mom wants you to do it, your father told you to do it? Is it genuine to you? Is it your voice?”
And so you need to balance those things out, so whenever you’re outside, your life is all messed up, there’s something inside that’s not in alignment and that’s when you usually see some things like intervention or– we call it strategic intuitive intervention. Because we strategically aim for those incidents and those stories that you keep telling yourself, you know, “My father did this, my mother did this”, and you stick to it and it creates your reality, right? And so that takes on a life of itself and so if you look afterwards with the sense of life or light and darkness, I call it, you can see that somebody– you can sense somebody will go towards a depression at one time because it starts getting– you can see, like, fading away or darkness.
Holly: How do you teach people to achieve the sense of balance?
Alain: The sense of balance? The first thing I do is you need to know what your calibrating against. So if I were to teach what’s called self-actualization or realization is, you know, the ultimate self, if you want, or the true self is what everyone want to become or realize, is that the sense of balance balances the main components of what you use to balance or create harmony in your life, which are self-esteem, self-worth, self-love, self-confidence, self-respect and, ultimately, self-realization.
So the first thing to do with the sense of balance is you need to recognize that you have impact. You know, we’ve talked of money– if I have a client that makes, oh, seventy-five million dollars a year, and is with another person that doesn’t make as much money, the sense of esteem for that person will be very much different. Self-worth is the same for everybody; it doesn’t matter if you’re a millionaire, billionaire, you’re sitting on the straight waiting for people to give you ten cents, you know, fifty times a day. Self-worth is the same.
That’s why human life is so important. A long time ago, you know, people that had disabilities, we discounted them. We thought, “They’re useless. They’re not gonna amount. They cost society.” Now we recognize that those disabilities might be new abilities and so we spend more time now and, you know, the government will spend more money on being able to find out how to balance, you know, their world and our world. OK.
I have a son that has autism and so when I talk with him, I have to balance, very much, what I’m going to say with him as if I’m going to talk to another child because he’s not going to interpret it differently. So for me, I need to calibrate means when I speak to him, I need to realize the impact it has and what comes back so I can say, “Well these kind of things– I can’t say that because… like any child, first of all, he’s gonna repeat it!”
And it’s going to make me look bad! But there are some things, in terms of behavior, that’ll be different talking with him because, you know, he’ll mostly be in his world and I need to recognize that map and to balance, “OK, how do I communicate to somebody who’s mostly in their world?” So, in terms of working with the sense of balance, is you find something to balance it with. OK. SO if you want success, what is success for you? Because a lot of billionaires or millionaires, they work all the time. So if you want that lifestyle, what are your values? What are you basing it upon? Do you understand what I mean?
Holly: Right.
Alain: And so it’s just balancing two things. Whether it’s inner or outer, whether it be law, whether it be a doctor making a decision on helping somebody and, you know, saying, “We’re going to do this procedure,” or not, it’s like logic at the same time.
Holly: Let’s talk about life.
Alain: Yes.
Holly: The sense of life.
Alain: I like life.
Holly: What do you teach in the book about that sense?
Alain: The most important about the sense of life is to realize if you’re using it– I mostly use it for people who work with nutrition or health and lifestyle or depression. How much life force is in somebody? Are you happy? Are you not happy? What’s making you not happy? Or what do you think or say to yourself? Because as I said before, you look at the impact– that’s not making it. You’re thinking in your mind, you’re making beliefs, you’re making assumptions, you’re giving meaning to something and then you’re going about it.
And so in terms of life force, if you feel worthless all the time, that life force is going to be diminished. If you think you’re valuable and you’re worth something, that life force will go up. How to give nutrition, also, for your own body; what feeds you. Is it intellectually? Is it helping others? Is it listening to others? Is it building houses? What’s your life force made up of?
Holly: And it sounds like, in doing that, you can find your own voice, which is the next sense.
Alain: Correct. Exactly. The sense of voice– a big word for the sense of voice, a couple of words, because what I’ve done, OK, because what I’ve done is in the book you’ll see there’s also what are called ‘word descriptors’. What I did with the sense of voice is, and with the other senses, is use what are called ‘word descriptors’ to give you an idea how to pick up on them. And two big words for the sense of voice are passion and courage.
Courage speaks of hope, that’s also a voice, it’s a voice inside of you that can lead you to, you know, excel more or go and try and triumph or a huge challenge that you have and that’s a voice. It’ll carry you and the fact that it carries you also enables you to carry others. Passion and courage. Courage speaks of hope, that’s also a voice, it’s a voice inside of you that can lead you to excel more or go and try to triumph or a huge challenge that you have. Usually the sense of voice will lead you to your destiny. Destiny means your destination. Yeah I know this, everybody says, “What’s my destiny?”
Destiny is where you’ve reached and so, again, the future’s very important to know– why? Because you want to know that destiny to bring you there and people need to find that voice because the voice you’ll hear the most is the voice of loneliness, I find. And, you know, when we use– when we talk about the sense of substance, the sense of warmth, cold, you can really start to sense how people feel lonely. Even though you’re on the internet and, you know, I’ve read research on it also– you’re on Facebook and all those type of things, there’s still that loneliness, there’s still that void that people try to look for.
Holly: And not being connected.
Alain: And not being connected. And one of the– it’s brilliant to say that because in the book, one of the things that I added as a treat– I call it a ‘treat’, because, you know, I heard somebody say, “Oh that’s a treat!”, so I started saying it that way– is to teach people on how to communicate with their own guides. And…
Holly: You mean their spirit guides?
Alain: Their spirit guides. I use inner self-helpers because at one point I had the opportunity to meet, you know, a very brilliant doctor, Dr. Ralph Hallison (?)25:08 . He’s the doctor, the psychiatrist, that coined the term ‘multiple personality disorder’, which are some of the books that I’d read for so long in my teens that lead me to discover that everybody has what are called ‘inner self-helpers’.
We use spirit guides a lot because, you know, shamans use it, you know. But I use inner self-helpers, guides, spirit guides, and they are there to help you. And so you can only access them through the sense of imagination. Why? Because my guide’s right here, it’s always with me but you probably can’t see it. You could see it on another level, using your own sense of imagination, some of the other senses like movement if, you know, if you notice there’s a subtle shift of energy. But that allows people to not feel alone and it changes everything when you don’t feel alone.
Holly: I wanted to talk with you about the sense of movement. Talk to me a little bit about the sense of movement and why it’s important.
Alain: It’s important because I coach people, I always use my guides so it’s very special because people are always like, “Have you ever seen yourself?” I’ll, you know, I’ll refer, like right now, I’m showing my hands, I’m always going like this, which is my guide. So in terms of sense of movement, it allows you to pick up on those things; shifts and variations, they’re very subtle but if you can learn to calibrate them more effectively then you’ll be able to help yourself in terms of being able to calibrate better to find out where your guides are.
When you’re talking to people on the other side– I went to somebody’s house just recently because they felt it was haunted or something like that, I went there and I said, “I do sense an entity that’s here,” and the person was able to– he sensed that also. Didn’t know that he was able to do that, but I said, “Well where do you sense it?”, at one point because I notice that he stopped at certain places in the room and would just go around and I’d see nothing there and I thought, “OK”. And so that’s where I sensed that, you know, his passed away grandmother was there or something like that.
Now, you can also use it in business to find out, you know, I use it for cash flow to find out if a company will go up or down, in that sense, like that, the stock market, you know. I picked a lot of good stocks with those, a lot of clients did so, too. I always tell them, “You know what, I’m just telling what I would take but, you know, it’s up to you to do what you want.” Recently, you know, one of my clients called me, “You know, there’s this stock that, you know, I think is going to go up,” and stuff like that, I said, “Did you do the line?” Because I teach people, you know, you make a line and you look at the months and then you feel it, you have to go physically and feel it through your body.
Holly: That’s a movement?
Alain: It’s a movement…
Holly: Movement, sense of movement.
Alain: Yeah, so it’s better to do in that sense. So I’m not sure if that’s in the book, but in the training video that I do, it’s a seven-hour training DVD on how to develop those, and I always tell them, you know, “Make the line and go with the movements.”
“I just bought oil.” I said, “I don’t know. I don’t know about oil right now. It’s pretty risky. It’s going to go– I think it’ll go down, so just be careful.” And look it now– it went down 40%! He hasn’t called me in a while so I should call him to find out how he’s doing.
But, yeah, you can use it for that though. There are so many– these are just things that I’ve noticed. There’s other things that, you know, my clients or students or friends come up with and, “I’ve used that for this– is that OK?” I said, “Well of course, you know, it’s your senses!” I’m not gonna tell you you can’t do that or try smelling something that you started smelling somewhere in a restaurant. It’s just endless and I can only imagine, later on, what other things will come about from it. But, yeah, the movement would be more about, for me, I would use it more in terms of finances is what I’d use it for.
Holly: Warmth.
Alain: Warmth– the one everybody dating loves. The sense of warmth is very important for two reasons. Among the most is for, I’d say, for personal development. Warmth is very important for the development of self and also in the development of relationships in business. As we know, when I teach influence or persuasion, I teach that the one most important thing that you need to do is you need to create rapport.
Now you have to look at the internet right now; the most important thing everybody’s doing, either it’s Facebook, social media or whatever, is to create a rapport with a client and to maintain it over time, which is called engagement, actually. And so that’s the big thing. Why? Because if you do anything similar to guerilla marketing or any type of marketing, you know that it’s easier to have one client and keep them over time, make sure they’re satisfied, than to find ten thousand clients all the time and always re-doing it, re-doing it, re-doing it and always trying to find something new.
In terms of warmth, you want to create it to create or to gain customer loyalty, but you also want to create it because people need warmth.
I’ve done a lot, a lot of coaching over, like, two decades on relationship coaching and the one thing I hear the most, apart from loneliness, is, “I need warmth.” So some people, you know, will just go have sex out with somebody for one night and they’ll say, “I just needed warmth, I just needed to feel that warmth.”
Holly: Could you almost substitute the word intimacy for warmth? Is that what we’re talking about, is that sense of intimacy?
Alain: Intimacy has different components but within intimacy there’s warmth.
Holly: OK.
Alain: OK, but if you look at intimacy there’s closeness, there’s caring, there’s love, there’s tenderness.
Holly: And warmth.
Alain: And warmth. And so warmth here is, again, you need that human feeling warmth. Because if you put somebody on an island, like Tom Hanks, let’s say, for a long period of time, it creates– or somebody in solitary confinement. Over time, you know, studies show that it’ll effect the brain.
Holly: Of course.
Alain: It’ll just destroy you. Why? Because you need interaction. You need life. And what is life? Is you feel alive, most of the time, when somebody’s there and engaging you and, you know, empowering you or giving you positive feedback or giving you value or attention, really. What’s a child want? Most? Attention. If you don’t give it to them, he’ll find a way to get it and it may not be constructive.
Holly: So you teach people how to attract that warmth?
Alain: Correct. How to create the warmth. Most of the time, the most important thing is to recognize the warmth within you that you’ve lost or that you’ve kept away. When somebody gets hurt, either you lose a relationship or you go into mourning or– I wouldn’t say that much into mourning but when you lose a relationship like you cut it off or, you know, you call them ‘my ex’, you lose that warmth within yourself.
When you have a wall, who’s really the prisoner? It’s you. Why? Because if you build a jail, you’re probably inside of it. And if you build that warmth, and in my coaching that’s what I do the most is I look for that warmth, I look intuitively, this is a question so if people look at this, the technique again is, you look in the past and you look where did that warmth leave? What age? What’s the incident? What’s the meaning attached to it? When you find that, you’re able to, you know, bring more understanding.
You know, there’s something a while ago you mentioned, in terms of when I said, you know, I help people and there’s new discoveries, one thing we’ve realized and we never paid attention to before because, again, we just– it was outside the mindset, right? We, and the students have done this, we’ve realized that you can now look inside your parents lifetime also, not just yours, but using these, through the sense of life or warmth or any of those, you can actually, intuitively, look at your parents life and find out the truth behind what happened at this period of time. And with that truth you begin to become aware and raise your level of consciousness, forgiveness goes so much faster.
Holly: Absolutely.
Alain: And you heal so fast.
Holly: Absolutely.
Alain: It’s just unreal.
Holly: If you can understand why they made the choices that they made…
Alain: Correct. Because, you know, you’ll say, “Well this is what happened.” And then you look at the father and the mother, and this is what I’ve done over time, but what happened is one of my students, when I was telling him, he said, “Well how did you know what the other person, the father and the mother, thought?”
I said, “Well, I just looked at them.”
He said, “Well, how’d you do that?”
I said, “Well, I asked the person what’s their name?” And I went to look, myself, and what they were telling me and what I was seeing was two different things.
I said, “Is it possible that this is what happened?”
“Oh yeah, you know I never thought about it that way.”
“Why are you so angry at your father?”
“Well he did this…”
“Well, you know what? I see it’s your mom that told him she was leaving.”
“Well, no, my mom never said that.”
And I said, “Well, what if you could ask her?”
“OK, I’ll ask her.” And the mom volunteered the information, she said. “Yeah, I knew you’d ask me that question one day and I’m ready to tell you.” It just completely changes your life.
Holly: That’s liberating.
Alain: Very liberating. Why? Because the warmth comes back and now the connection. You were saying, it comes back.
Holly: Let’s move on to the last sense, the sense of substance. Can you explain that to me?
Alain: Yeah! I love the sense of substance. We have a competition on this one. We take a house and we say, “This is the address and I want you to tell me…” And in the DVD, it’s really fun because I told the people, “I’m gonna give the address. Pair up and give them the address and I want you to tell me what’s inside the house and how the inside looks.”
And, you know, some people manage to get the color right and, you know, the flooring and so I would say that this is one is going to be one of the most, maybe, difficult for people, sometimes, to work on because, again, the first thing you need to do is get outside your mind.
And so you asked me how did I come about those things? And I think my abilities came out after I had a car accident. I was paralyzed for a couple of days I had to, you know, I’m very creative, at the time I remembered the movie Terminator came out so I thought, “I’m gonna start imagining I’m Terminator and, you know, close this.”
And so I moved my arms and my legs and it took a couple of days but what I did, at the same time, is I thought, honestly, “This is boring.” So I imagined myself going through the walls and then I would remember every point in the hospital, from the moment I came in and I could imagine myself going through the walls and stuff like that and I so I really had to expand on using the sense of imagination and this one of the techniques that I give for people to develop the sense of imagination is during the course, immediately, is I teach people to relate physical objects, when their eyes are open, to objects in their mind when they’re closed. So if I were to ask you to close your eyes for a moment– you feel safe here?
Holly: OK, sure.
Alain: OK, so describe to me the chair you’re sitting on– the material, the fabric, the structure of it, the shapes, what would you say?
Holly:I would say it’s a very comfortable chair, it’s kind of a soft chair, it’s a bit of wood, it’s got some nice cushions behind me.
Alain: OK.
Holly: It’s very nice.
Alain: OK, so open your eyes. Now, some were descriptors that you said are non-specific– it’s soft, OK, it’s, you know, it’s cushion– it doesn’t tell me anything. When you access the sense of substance, I give a whole list, I think, of fifty words, to describe materials. So if I were to close my eyes and do the exercise as you did, I’d say, “OK, I’m sitting on a chair. I feel that it’s, you know, sort of half a circle or a quarter circle. It’s, you know, the fabric, if I touch it, I think it’s some type of linen. It could be velour or something that sense. If I touch here, it’s wood. What type of wood?”
The more descriptive you are, the more you practice this, the easier afterwards. If you do it at a distance, your brain won’t know the different. Because the mind has no limitations except what you give it. I discovered this principle when I read something that Eagle Swan, remember I spoke of him awhile ago, Eagle Swan was able to describe the rings of Saturn, the consistencies of what was in those rings, which were ice, which was discovered by satellite, like, years later. He drew it, he described the consistency. I thought, “Wow, that’s cool. How did he do that?” I thought, “OK, well in order to be able to do that, he must know what ice is first. He must have, you know, a feel for it.”
Because, you’ll have difficulty– what we realize is that, myself and the students and everybody practicing this, is the more you’re able to be specific and describe something on this side, the easier it is to describe on the other side. And so if you think of people like Nostradamus, which a thousand– which predicts things a thousand years ago– he’d predict things that didn’t make any sense to him, because there was no rockets, there was no, you know, war or– well, I wouldn’t say there was no war, but there was no tanks or, you know, jets or fire plans or things of that sense at that time.
And so he described it to the best of his abilities. And so what I really teach people is to be very sensory-specific. And this is very important because the more you’re able to sense– that’s why I say there are senses. You can calibrate your instruments that enable you to perceive reality. Everything is a perception.
Holly: So knowing all of that, that you’ve just explained…
Alain: That’s a lot.
Holly: And you’ve walked us through imagination, balance, life, voice, movement, warmth and substance– what kinds of transformations have you seen in the clients that you’ve worked with who have embraced these seven lost senses?
Alain: Well, as an example for the sense of substance, I talked of material but one of the major changes I’ve seen with that sense is if you use it on coaching or, you know, counseling, I helped somebody lose 100 pounds in six months. By not really changing anything she eats, just changing the way she thought about herself. Because a lot of people don’t think that– a lot of people that have extra amounts of weight, they want to have that extra amount of weight, they just forgot about it and so when you intuitively look at, you know, the past or try to find out where did that come from, at one point, a long time ago, I realized that a lot of people gain weight to protect themselves.
Either from a sexual assault they had, a rape or something in that sense, or just for, you know, that client specifically, her husband was an alcoholic, she didn’t want to leave him, and so she gained the extra pounds so that other men wouldn’t look at her. And so it was so profound that her room was consisted of all mirrors and she was never able to see beyond this part of herself in the mirror, even though she was naked. She was able to do that about four months later.
Holly: Alain, you have touched on probably some of the top desires that we have in society. You’ve talked about weight-loss which is one of the most– I mean, it’s a multi-billion dollar industry trying to help people lose weight. You’ve touched upon wealth, getting wealth, making money. You’ve touched upon health, getting better and getting well. Is it actually possible for people to achieve all of that just by tapping into these senses? Is that what you’re telling me?
Alain: Over time, yes. If you’re thinking, “I’m gonna lose 100 pounds, become a billionaire in five minutes”, I’ve just become…
Holly: It’s sounds too good to be true!
Alain: Over time, it is, everything is possible if you put it as systematically. It all depends on what you do it with. I mean, if you think of Michelangelo, you know, he used his eyes and his limbs because he had to draw to, you know, to create everything in the Cysteine Chapel. If you’re thinking about Warren Buffet, you know, he can sense– I’m pretty sure from what I’ve read and analyzing him and Carl Icahn or others, billionaires like that, they can sense– If you think of George Zoros who made a billion dollars in a day, it was on what he called intuition. He never really farther than say, “It was a hunch”, or… He sensed it.
Now how was he able to pick up on that? He also led that he calculated certain things which were the sense of balance. But he allowed himself also to believe that he could be a billionaire like that. Because the problem with money, another thing, is if you look at these things is if you don’t have the mindset, you’ll sabotage and I’ve seen this countless, countless times again.
And, you know, I was just thinking some clients you can predict years in advance that they’re gonna crash. Why? Because they have the mindset to making money fast, but they don’t have what’s called the depth of success, which is substance. OK. They’ll just make money for money and at one point, they just don’t believe they’re worth it and so the balance, it begins to crush. It’s like if you put go, go, go and at one point it just crushes you and you create what’s called self-sabotage. And so with those senses is, again, to become aware of those things and then use them for what you want.
Maybe it is to create a million dollars, maybe it is to have the relationship of your life. I had the opportunity to work in the medical field a long, long time ago and, you know, I learned a lot about the human anatomy and that’s where I realized, you know, when a body has passed away, the life force is gone– you can feel it. It gets– of course there’s no more blood and stuff like that, you can see the warmth and stuff like that go away but it’s the life force that I would sense that there’s something beyond what I’m looking at and so I believe that it’s very important for people to– I think what the main goal of all of this was to help bring a level of awareness– to a higher level of awareness.
To raise the level of consciousness, if you want. There’s a lot of research being done on consciousness but I think as long as we perceive things just in the physical matter, with our physical senses, the five senses, let’s say, that’ll limit us for a lot of things. You know, from medicine to law to engineering to relationship building to project management. You know, you could use the sense of movement for, you know, knowing, you know, in terms of planning things.
Because sometimes people’ll say, “Well this is gonna take that much time”, and I’ll sense, “No it’s gonna take this much time.” And if you don’t calculate, that’ll cost you a lot more, right? I think by raising the level of awareness, the level of consciousness people have, we’ll be able to create more healing in the world also, which is more and more what, even philanthropists, everyone is going towards more of making, you know, human life more fun, actually! More livable, more fun, more giving, more humane is actually the term I would use.
Holly: It’s a very noble goal and I think you’re right; I think that all of us are searching for something, that deeper meaning in life and however that manifests itself, whether it’s through our work or through our personal lives or our relationships, I think we are all yearning for that, to fill that void. So any closing thoughts, Alain? Any closing thoughts on the seven lost senses or anything that you haven’t shared with us that perhaps you’d like to give as a takeaway message?
Alain: I think the way– probably the most important thing, as I said, is probably to raise the level of awareness, the level of consciousness, the level of understanding. There’s a lot of pain in this world and so one of the things that’ll help heal the world, if you want to call it that way, is to a higher level of understanding. Our physical senses limit us. They limit us to the degree in that there’s information that you cannot get just with that.
You can talk to a psychologist or a psychiatrist, but they’ll assume and, you know, they’ll go with what you have. But if you’re able to sit down and do like I’ve done myself, on myself, if you want to call it that way, is look at my own parent’ past, or my own future and stuff like that, you get a wider understanding of, you know, why am I here? What I am here to contribute? Because contribution is really what we’re here for, we’re like servants, you know, we just help, serve. I serve you, you serve me and we help each other in that sense. The way to go about it is to learn that one, five senses is, I wouldn’t say a myth but it’s passe, if you want to call it that way, you need to go beyond.
Just like an atom used to be the smallest particle, now we know there’s quarks and all types of other stuff that we can’t even imagine are going to come through through quantum physics. Now if you think of quantum physics, you think it’s new. But it’s actually, you know, since the 1920’s. When Einstein came about, I think it was just riding along the beam of light, it changed humanity in terms of it changed science and mathematics and all types of fields.
This theory of relativity changes everything, or just the fact that we’re not the center of the universe– just changing our perception, just changing our mindset is what this is all about.
For ourselves, and for others to create and generate new success in our lives. I think that’s what I’d like for people to come up with.